Tag Archive for: sharing the gospel

Artspace: How can I be happy in heaven if my loved ones aren’t there?
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When we think about our loved ones who have yet to know Christ, many of us often feel the weight of an impossible burden in drawing them to Christ–we think that we’re solely responsible for leading them to Christ, and place unrealistic expectations on ourselves in our interactions with them, or the way we even love and think about them.

Reaching Out to the Family Member Who’s Left the Faith
Do you think it’s easier to share Christ to someone in your own family or to a stranger?
I’ve encountered many Christians who find it difficult to talk to their family and relatives about Jesus; some would say that it feels easier to hand out gospel tracts to strangers.

How Easter Revolutionised the Lives of These Four Disciples
Easter Sunday marks the day that forms the crux of the Christian faith.
The resurrection of Jesus radically changed the lives of His disciples–men who were neither teachers nor rabbi, but just regular Joes working regular jobs.

5 Ways The Church Is Changing and How We Can Adapt
Two years into the global pandemic, it has become clear that the church will not be returning to what it once was—a gathering primarily based in a physical location. “That church” has “left the building”.

Awkward Things We (Subconsciously) Say or Do When We Share Christ
As Christians, we know that we’ve been called to share the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20). But let’s face it, sharing about Jesus isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do.

5 Truths For When You’re Afraid of Sharing the Gospel
Sharing our faith often feels scary. Whilst many of us would love to be the kind of Christian who introduces other people to Jesus, we can sometimes get stuck in a vicious cycle.

When Christianity Cost Me My Friendship
Back when we were in secondary school, I had invited Ava, my best friend of nine years, to church. Ava accepted Christ into her life and began attending weekly cell group meetings and services on a regular basis.

How to Come Out as a Christian at Work
It’s scary to be a Christian in today’s workplace.
If anyone finds out that we’re a Christian, there’s a good chance they will automatically assume we are haters, bigots, and racists. We will have awkward conversations defending our views on religion. So it’s natural that we want to stay quiet, never let anyone know that we’re a Christian, and avoid any talk about Jesus.

Truths that Redefine 5 Everyday Cards
Thanks to Covid-19 this year, job losses and pay cuts hung like heavy clouds over some of our heads as we worried over our finances.