Tag Archive for: restoration

How God Restored a Strained Friendship
R and I are the same age, and we were often classmates in primary and secondary school. When I first started going to church, we were in the same Bible Study group. We were even baptised on the same day.
She was, it seemed, the perfect “church girl”. A talented singer with a vivacious personality. By contrast, I struggled to fit in despite my best attempts.

When Your Christian Family Is Always Fighting
Even though my parents had supposedly dedicated our family to the Lord, sometimes it felt like we weren’t that different from non-Christian families; in fact, it seemed like we were worse off.

Beating Yourself Up? Try This Instead
“You’re not good enough.”
“Why can’t you do better?”
“You never do it right.”
These are some of the things I have said to myself over the years.

When God Rewrites Our Stories (As revealed through 3 Bible Characters)
There’s a story we all have of ourselves that we’ve come to believe. Whether it’s a story of hurt, pain, or disappointment, our Heavenly Father delights in rewriting our stories.

In Praise of Sabbath: On Letting Go
One summer, my family wrangled our carry-ons from Uganda onto a plane bound for six months stateside.
I felt conflicted over this long break, as I tend to find my identity deeply in usefulness and purpose and work.

Life gets harder, the older we get. So we often look back on our past with fondness or regret. What’s the first memory that comes to mind when you recall your past? Is it a happy or sad one? Are there moments you wish you could relive or rewrite?

Do You Need Restoration In These Areas?
We're constantly overwhelmed. We spend a lot of time trying to get people to like us. We constantly look out for what’s new and exciting because we’re tired and bored of the everyday.

How to Respond When a Friend Confesses Their Sin
It was 1:05 a.m. A friend had just sent me a long message, asking for prayer because she was struggling with physical attraction towards her colleague even though she was already in a committed relationship.

Can I Confess Something?
We had just finished a study and were about to share our prayer requests when one of them began by saying:
“If you could please pray for me, I feel like I’m addicted to shopping. Like maybe I’m spending a bit too much buying things that I don’t need.”
When I heard this, I felt crestfallen. Not because there was anything wrong with what she had shared, but because I suddenly felt like I could not be as honest with my own confession.