
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Redemption. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Redemption.

Tag Archive for: redemption

Your Future Is Not Determined By Your Circumstances

Many people believe that in order to achieve success, one needs a head start in life–you need to be ahead right at the starting line. What this means is that your chance of “success” is determined by your family background. If you come from a privileged background, you have a higher chance of success in life.

The Day I Stopped Hiding My Gift

“I look at your work and the intern's, and I cannot see the difference between the two,” my former editor said. Those were the last words I wanted to hear, especially since I had worked hard to be where I was.

Zakaria Zhou: From Drug Dealer to Gospel Bearer

Zakaria Zhou Zhao Zong. The alliteration of the ‘Z’s in his name catches one’s eye and ear. Learn about his life and it is no less explosive as the syllables in his name.

Is Christian Work Better than Secular Work?

It’s unusual that you’d find someone who would come right out and articulate the view that Christian work is better than “secular” or “non-Christian” work, or that the only activity under the sun that matters is evangelism.

Xempt: A New Name And New Lease On Life

At the age of 17, Caleb Bloomfield found himself in the dark basement of his apartment no longer in control of his own life. He was reeling from two major losses
Girl standing in front of a galaxy projector covering her eyes

I Lost My Virginity But Not My Faith

 I was an early bloomer in terms of romantic relationships, and started having long-term relationships since the age of 15. My first relationship was with a Christian. Both of us believed in God, but that didn’t automatically mean that our relationship was a healthy one.

Beauty From Ashes

Title: Beauty From Ashes Materials: Hand-lettering and photography Artwork…
Girl sitting in tall grass with a crown on

A Family Crisis that Redeemed Me

Three years ago, I was involved in a family dispute. My willful, unforgiving, and prideful character deeply hurt my family and it reached a stage that I eventually left home.
Groom writing down his marriage vows

The Day I Relooked My Marriage Vows

They sit across from us at our dining room table, their fingers laced together. She plays with her engagement ring, excited to be talking about their big day and their upcoming plans. This young bride and her adoring groom.