Tag Archive for: redemption

When God’s Call Isn’t Clear
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People often ask me how I knew God was calling me to be a missionary—to be honest, I didn’t know for sure if He was. Moving to Taiwan from my home in the US was an intimidating decision. So, in the absence of clear direction, I took small steps of faith.

Creation in the Hands of a Creative God
Scripture records accounts of God using specific animals to carry out His purposes, from saving a disobedient preacher to reprimanding a sinful prophet. Such is the creativity of our God, who is able to use everything in His creation to further His redemptive plan and display His glory.

In My Mess, There’s Still Hope
That Sunday, when I realized that I had messed up the timing yet again, I started to feel angry at myself, and regretted not being able to join the full worship session from beginning.

Can Cancer Be Part of God’s Plan?
The three words you never want to hear: “Unfortunately, it’s cancer.”
I was 31 when I received my shock diagnosis. My husband and I had three small children, a mortgage, and I was working as a children’s pastor at my church.

When Giants of the Faith Fall: Why It Matters
“Not again!” I thought when I read that the founder and CEO of Relevant Media Group, Cameron Strang, has come under fire for creating a racially insensitive work environment.
The 43-year-old was alleged to be a toxic boss who exhibited “various levels of high-handedness, shouting fits and racially insensitive slights”.

How God Used My Painful Experiences to Bless Others
A few weeks ago, my Bible study group in church was reading Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life together. There was a section from the book that caught my attention.

Your Future Is Not Determined By Your Circumstances
Many people believe that in order to achieve success, one needs a head start in life–you need to be ahead right at the starting line. What this means is that your chance of “success” is determined by your family background. If you come from a privileged background, you have a higher chance of success in life.

The Day I Stopped Hiding My Gift
“I look at your work and the intern's, and I cannot see the difference between the two,” my former editor said.
Those were the last words I wanted to hear, especially since I had worked hard to be where I was.

Zakaria Zhou: From Drug Dealer to Gospel Bearer
Zakaria Zhou Zhao Zong.
The alliteration of the ‘Z’s in his name catches one’s eye and ear.
Learn about his life and it is no less explosive as the syllables in his name.