Tag Archive for: loving God

How Can I Love God When I’m Feeling Weak?
How do you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) when you’re actually pretty weak?

Steady and Faithful is the New Sexy
I was brushing my teeth one night in my pyjamas, mulling over the day, when I had one of those moments–you know, where God tugs my chin upward and lets me peek in a bit to what He’s doing in these mundane days that slip by.

Finding Strength to Love God When You’re Weak
A lot of the time, I am physically very weak. In fact, a lot of the time, I’m too tired to move. Too weak to lift my head off the table. Too exhausted to make myself a sandwich. So loving God with “all my strength” often doesn’t seem like a whole lot of love.

Can I Love God More Than My Spouse?
When my wife and I were dating, I made her this promise: “You will never be first in my life. That position belongs to God. If I put you there, I am making you an idol."

4 Signs That God Isn’t Your First Love
I’ve been a Christian for a long time, but one truth I’ve learned is that life doesn’t get easier and I’m still self-centered and proud. At times, even more than I realize.

Why Should I Still Believe in God?
I don’t see, hear, or feel God anymore. Why love God then? Why go to church then? Why believe then? Recently, a friend whom I had led to Christ seemed to have such thoughts. And they were the same thoughts that went through my mind about a decade ago.

Why Did We Break Up?
My boyfriend and I had marriage in mind when we first started dating. Hence, the possibility of us breaking up one day never crossed my mind.

ODB: Written on Our Hearts
In my neighborhood, religious inscriptions abound—on plaques, walls, doorposts, commercial vehicles, and even as registered names of businesses. By the Grace of God reads an inscription on a mini-bus; God’s Divine Favor Bookshop adorns a business signboard. The other day I couldn’t help smiling at this one on a Mercedes Benz: Keep Off—Angels on Guard!But religious inscrip

ODJ: loving God, loving others
While watching the orbit of Uranus, astronomers noticed that the planet didn’t seem to orbit as expected, almost as if there was another unknown planet nearby whose gravity was pulling Uranus toward it. Using mathematics, the scientists were able to compute both the position and the mass of this unknown object and then observed it for the first time in 1846: the previously unknown planet Nep