Tag Archive for: growing deeper in God
When Jesus Says “Become Like Children”
If there’s one topic that got people concerned as Jesus preached about the coming of the kingdom of heaven, the importance of becoming like children would make the list.
It must have been slightly bizarre because nobody ever pays that much attention to children… being children.
I’m a recovering perfectionist. Here’s what changed my mind.
When Jesus says, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48), He isn’t expecting “perfect” the way we imagine it to be—never making any mistake and thus living in constant fear of failing.
Where God Was When I Married Late
I first became serious about my faith in Jesus in college. From then on, I knew what I wanted in a man—a Christian, but not just any Christian; I wanted a man whose commitment to the faith was “pastor level”.
Want to Grow Deeper in God? Eat, Drink, Rest
Resolutions don’t need to be earth-shattering, amazing, or even drastic “New Year, New Me” endeavours, which often can be insurmountable.