
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Grace. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Grace.

Tag Archive for: grace


How A Preacher I Didn’t like Convicted me

“But if not for the grace of God, I am finished!” said the speaker at my church one Sunday.
Woman uncomfortable with her arms crossed

3 Ways Discomfort Discomforted Me

Not again. I was at my wit’s end. A good two and a half weeks had passed since I had finished my second course of antibiotics, but as I gazed at the ceiling that night—awake, alert, and anxious—it felt as though I was back to square one.

Have I taken God for granted?

I’m back in court again. No, not that one. This one is an internal court of conflicting thoughts and feelings about my faith and my actions.

Grace & Mercy At The Cross

Title: Grace & Mercy At The Cross Materials: Digital Illustration Description: At…

Why I Almost Didn’t Get Baptized

After five years of knowing, believing and growing in my Lord and Savior, I finally got baptized on Christmas Day last year.
Blurry and rainy windshield

An Accident Nearly Took My Life But Grace Saved Me

On 20 August 2011, eight days after my 26th birthday, I was nearly killed in a car accident. That Saturday morning, I was driving around the outskirts of my hometown, Ipoh, Malaysia, with a colleague.

ODJ: Compelling Grace

My friends in my Bible discussion group chuckled when I shared how I was trying to avoid God. I smiled, but it was no joke. His promptings to overlook my demands for justice and extend grace filled me with resentment. I felt like shaking my fist (as the prophet Jonah might have done) and screaming, “You want me to go where, and do what?!” Assyria was Israel’s bi

ODJ: Never Beyond God’s Grace

My springer spaniel was recognized as one of the most talented, hardworking dogs in our hunting community. He would go out on thin ice to retrieve game when other dogs would turn back. Pursuing a pheasant through the thickest bramble and thorn—areas that other dogs would not enter because it was so dense—wasn’t a problem. His determination was so great that he even made a retriev

ODJ: the tone of grace

I once had a difficult interaction with one of my sons. He had made several poor choices requiring a serious conversation. My son had a tender heart, however (as he often does), and he took responsibility for his behavior. Though I was frustrated with him, I told him that I forgave him. Later, aware that something was still bothering my son, I asked what was going on. “Well,” he replie