Tag Archive for: Evangelism Editors Picks

3 Prayers for Your Unbelieving Friend
We all can bring at least one person to mind—someone in our lives that wants nothing to do with this Jesus guy. They’ve heard of Him, but absolutely aren’t interested in welcoming Him into their life.

3 Ways to Pray for Your Unbelieving Loved Ones
There is no prayer request that’s more urgent and close to our hearts than the desire to see our loved ones—whether they’re our family members, colleagues, or close friends—come to know the Lord.
Sometimes, in praying for our loved ones, we might find it difficult to know what to pray or even find the right words to say. Here are three prayers that I hope will serve as a good starting point for you.

Isn’t It Arrogant to Claim that Christianity Is the Only Way to God?
I have often found myself struggling with the pressure from church and Christian friends to “make” people Christians. I don’t actually find it that easy to share my beliefs with non-Christians. And the stress of doing so can start to make these people “projects” in my mind, rather than friends.
How then can we share Christ with them in a gentle and respectful manner? If you’ve felt the same way that I do, here are some pointers that may help.

To the Friend I Tried to Evangelize
“Evangelize.” It even sounds like a dirty word, doesn’t it? An act of pushing one’s religion on another. . . a prideful way to tell someone they’ve got it totally wrong. That their worldview is wrong. That their beliefs are wrong. That they’ve got everything wrong, and I’ve got it right.

Am I Responsible for My Friend’s Salvation?
I remember the moment l entered a relationship with Jesus as though it were yesterday.
It happened 10 years ago, on a chilly January evening. My friend Hannah led me in prayer and confession while we were seated in her car, parked outside a supermarket.