Tag Archive for: current affairs

Australian Bushfires: When Prayers and Thoughts Aren’t Enough
Photos of orange-tinged New Zealand skylines have been lighting my social media newsfeed, with friends writing messages of goodwill in a show of solidarity with Australia, as the country continues to battle large bushfires sweeping across three states—New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.

When Giants of the Faith Fall: Why It Matters
“Not again!” I thought when I read that the founder and CEO of Relevant Media Group, Cameron Strang, has come under fire for creating a racially insensitive work environment.
The 43-year-old was alleged to be a toxic boss who exhibited “various levels of high-handedness, shouting fits and racially insensitive slights”.

Jesus Doesn’t Celebrate the 4th of July
When my plane touched down at my port of entry to the United States after four months of studying abroad, I made my way with the crowds to the customs and immigration line. Right away, my eyes fell on the label for a special, dedicated line that read, “US CITIZENS”.

When Social Media Determined A Teen’s Death
On 13 May 2019, 16-year-old Davia Emilia from Malaysia posted on social media expressing her weariness at life. Via an Instagram story, she requested that her followers vote on whether she should continue living or die.

Social Media Outage: Can I Survive Without the Internet?
I thought my Facebook account had been hacked when I failed to log on to it this morning.
The disruption was one of Facebook’s most “widespread and persistent system outages”—with the outage stretching beyond 10 hours for some.

The Girl I’ll Never Forget
I had barely turned 17 that fall in 2015. Newly arrived in Hungary for Bible college, I accompanied a group of pastors and students that were going to one of the many refugee camps at the Serbian border to help with relief and supplies.