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Girl sitting on railing thinking about fun things to do when you're single

3 Things to Do While You’re Single

Another Valentine’s Day has gone by and I’m still single. When I was young, Valentine’s Day felt like a popularity contest. I could gauge how well liked I was by the amount of candy, chocolate, or heart-shaped stickers I received.
Girl looking down contemplating why she is not loved

Mom, why don’t you love me?

Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I felt unloved by my mother—the person I was supposed to be the closest to. Instead of showing me love, she often scolded me and used words that hurt me deeply.
Couple together - unexpected benefits of being the third wheel

3 Unexpected Benefits of Being the Third Wheel

Are you a third wheel (or light bulb, as it is known in some cultures)? For those clueless about what this is, a third wheel is a person who hangs out with a couple—and who can become an awkward addition to a romantic date.
Couple sitting together looking at the sunset

Why Did We Break Up?

My boyfriend and I had marriage in mind when we first started dating. Hence, the possibility of us breaking up one day never crossed my mind.
Couple holding hands in the shape of a heart

When Marrying A Christian is Not Good Enough

I had always thought that marrying a Christian would surely secure happiness in my life.
Couple holding hands in the street

What If She’s Not The One?

In a recent episode of American sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj, one of the main characters, is drawn and attracted to a girl he meets. However, he has been dating his girlfriend for a while, and now wonders if he should break up with her and pursue a new relationship.
Guy with a flare on the beach contemplating life as a single male.

To All Christian Single Guys . . .

There is nothing wrong with being single. Yes, you read this right: There’s nothing wrong with you if you are not married or attached—or, for that matter, if you have never been in a relationship. Sure, God created us with the desire for love and companionship.
Couple arguing in a lecture hall

Should We Avoid Conflicts in Relationships?

“Do not marry someone you have not had a big fight with.” The first time I heard this piece of advice, it startled me. It seemed counter-intuitive.
Passenger on their phone in the car

Relationship Distractions: 5 Big Culprits

I’ll be the first to admit that I am easily distracted. More than once (all right, I’ll admit it’s more like every other week), my husband has pointed out that I was not listening to him when he talked because I was either trying to figure out when we last did the laundry, what to eat for dinner or was watching a Buzzfeed video on useful cooking tips.