
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Faith.

How to Bring Joy Back Into Our Everyday Life

We often think a joyful life is one that’s filled with fun activities around the clock. Yet while life isn’t a series of happy events, there are things we can do to make life more joy-filled.
Lady facing backwards tying her hair

My Baby’s Death Showed Me I No Longer Need to Self-Harm

I remember the surprising relief that came with that first cut. It felt stinging and exhilarating and guilt-ridden all at once. Little did I know then that it would be the first of many to come.
hand with ropes

Real Thoughts About Real Temptation

Is there such a thing as a monthly sin? Because I think I have one of those. Okay, maybe more often than just once a month.
the owner is finding his dog on the bush

How to Stop Finding Your “Calling” and Start Living Your Life

There’s something incredibly alluring about the idea of finding our “calling”, something so admirable about stepping into that “one big moment” we grew up dreaming about. Our relentless pursuit of calling is also fuelled by the media we consume, telling us to go after our dreams because we’re “made for more”. 
A gang of friends on the mountain top

2 Reasons Why Our Lives on Earth Matter Right Now

With teary eyes and never-let-me-go hugs, my good friend sniffed and said her farewell as she packed her bags. “Come find me when you visit! But even if not, I will see you in heaven—with Jesus!” Though that sounded morbid at the time, her words struck a chord within me.
someone is doing gardening in the house

Gardening Opened My Eyes to God’s Perfect Timing

A couple of years ago, my parents decided to give me a few of their plants to take care of. I wasn’t really a plant person, but I wanted to appreciate their gesture and so accepted (rather begrudgingly) the responsibility of caring for.
A man standing on top of the hill and welcoming morning sun

What Does Jesus’ Resurrection Have to do With My Life Right Now?

I took a step to follow Jesus 20 years ago. I heard Jesus preached every Sunday, but I had neglected to consider how His life, death, and resurrection unveiled what it means to be truly human and how this impacts us as His disciples.
A guy sit on the bench and rest

In Praise of Sabbath: On Letting Go

One summer, my family wrangled our carry-ons from Uganda onto a plane bound for six months stateside. I felt conflicted over this long break, as I tend to find my identity deeply in usefulness and purpose and work.
ducklings follow mom swimming but a lazy duckling refuse and use a swimming ring

4 Misconceptions About Following Jesus

Sometimes the way we view Christian living can turn into a drag, like having a long list of things you know you should do but aren't doing well or enough, so you're constantly struggling (failing) to "live up to expectations".