Growing in the faith

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Growing in the faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Growing in the faith.

Learning About Love from 50 babies

It’s not unusual for a child to exhibit a little jealousy when a younger sibling appears on the family tree. So how about 50 more?

Thank God I’ve Got Fingers and Toes

I will never forget pulling away from a leprosy colony in Southern India the summer of 2003. I was 13 then and had just helped my family conduct a worship service for a couple dozen Christians in the colony.

How To Get Up After Your Dreams Are Crushed

One of the biggest life hopes I had when I was a kid was to play professional baseball. That dream was shattered when during my freshman year of high school, I was cut from the high school baseball team.

I Can’t Stand Judgmental Christians

I used to think like this: Judgmental? Not me! I can’t stand people who judge others. The contradiction was right there in the statement, and somehow I was oblivious to it.

When God Turned My Sorrow to Joy

In every person’s life, I believe that there is a defining moment when we suddenly come to realize how small we are compared with God, and how small we are compared with the problems that can overwhelm us. For me, that moment happened on my 14th birthday.

Has God Abandoned Me?

Have you ever felt God was withholding everything good from you? Have you ever felt abandoned by God? I definitely have.

The Day I Stopped Comparing

Who remembers dial-up Internet, a limit on the amount of texts you could send per month, and the handy-dandy flip phone? What about the Gameboy, LeapPad, and board games?

Why Must I Wait?

We live in a society of instantaneous information, fast-food, and the automated everything. There is little choice but to become tech-savvy, productive, as well as highly efficient. The downside for a generation like ours is that even a five-minute wait may be unbearable.

When Pride Lingers After An Accident

There’s nothing innately wrong with being proud of something or someone. Pride can be a good thing. But we have to be careful with it because it can become very dangerous when it's misplaced.