Growing in the faith

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Growing in the faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Growing in the faith.

When I Let My Desires Control Me

Eating was a big deal for me when I was young. I was a hyperactive, skinny child, browned by the sun and constantly on the move.

How Can I Truly Live An Authentic Christian Life?

I thought it was going to be our usual Christian Students’ Meeting—sing a few worship songs, listen to a bible teaching and pray. But my seniors decided otherwise that day. They wanted us to have an impactful structured experience on what it meant to suffer for Christ.

What Does It Mean to Be Sanctified?

Someone recently wrote “#holy” on my dorm room door. I live in a dorm at a Christian college and facilitate a weekly Bible study on my floor, so this innovative hashtag made me smile. It also brought to mind a question I have been wrestling with for the past several weeks.

Submission: A Blessing or Bane?

I grew up in a very lenient family where my parents would give me advice, but let me make the final decision. As a result, I learned to pursue after my own interests, feelings, and dreams.

Having Unproductive Weekends? You’re Not Alone

If you glanced at my list of intended accomplishments for this weekend, you might think that I’m superwoman. According to my checklist, I am a Social Queen who balances fitness goals, academics, and extracurricular hobbies like a champ.

The Truth About Relying On Ourselves

During a recent family vacation near a beach, I stumbled upon a picture-perfect stretch of sun, surf, and sand one day. Without an extra thought, I jumped into the water with my boogie board in tow.

5 Things to Do When You’re Spiritually Dry

Everyone struggles with their faith at times, and it can be hard to talk about it. During challenging times in my life, I have often felt that if I spoke all my questions aloud, talked through how I really felt

5 Spiritual Disciplines We Overlook

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him,” teaches popular American preacher, John Piper. Amen! Don’t we all long to be fully satisfied in God and God alone?

When God Rejects our Dreams

I love Neurology. The study of how the brain works and controls the physical body fascinates me. During my time at medical school, I participated in Indonesian Medical Olympiad and though I didn't win, the experience strengthened my love for the branch of medical science.