Mental Health

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Mental Health. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Mental Health.

A man is walking out from the underground train station

What It’s Like to Slowly Climb Out of Depression

I thought that knowing my condition would be enough for me to help myself. But having a diagnosis did not lessen my struggles or make them easier. 
A woman is blowing the whistle to celebrate, while the dog is dancing happily

4 Ways to Prepare Yourself for the New Year

Congratulations on making it through this year! The last 12 months have been a wild ride, and we can't wait to take a breather. But just as we’re about to settle down to relax, we’re assailed by thoughts about the new year.
Tree growing in the middle of a barren desert

Why We Should Stop Being “Resilient”

Millions of people are working excessive hours, which has been normalised to the point that burnout has become commonplace. All of this raises two questions for me: Why are we working so hard that so many of us are burning out? What’s the solution?
Matches with one match burn out and crouching

What God Showed Me When I Was Burnt Out

The space began to close in on me. My ears received nothing but noises. My breath became shorter. That was the first time I experienced a panic attack during a work meeting.
Woman covering ears

How to Quiet the Voices in Our Heads

“I should get up and do my laundry.” “I should get my steps above 6,000.” “I should unsubscribe from that streaming platform I am no longer using.”  “I should go to bed earlier. I should wake up earlier.” These are just some of the milder “shoulds” that pass through my head on any given day.
Man in darkness looking out at light

I Found Christ. Then Came the Darkest Season of My Life

It was like a scene in a movie. Picture the camera set across the street from a cafe, where two people walk out. They face each other briefly, then each turn back and start walking in the opposite direction. I remember the day vividly from that perspective, even though I was one of the two people walking away from each other.
A big giant is being indecisive on which button or way he should go for

5 Things to Remember When You’re Faced With Decision Paralysis

There’s a queue behind me all the way out the door. People are frowning, shuffling on the spot, trying to peer around me. I know I’m keeping them waiting, but I just can’t decide. 
Man holding up a mask in front of his face

What’s Behind Our Imposter Syndrome?

Comedy writer Tina Fey and I have something in common. What we do have in common is the sense that we’re “imposters”, and one day, people will call us out for the “fakes” that we are.
A woman with teary face

I Entered a New Year in Tears, But God Held Me Fast

At the beginning of last year, I was facing anxiety on multiple fronts. While others were looking forward to the coming year with hope, I was starting mine with dread.