
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Identity. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Identity.

When Gender becomes “a thing”

“Ha, ‘That’s not the gender I associate with’. Can you believe that’s even a thing these days? The world has gotten so ridiculous.” A friend and I were discussing how you can't be too quick to assume one's gender these days.

What if God Made Me Pretty?

I am short, stocky, and average-looking. When I was growing up, people used to comment about how flat my nose was. A friend even told me that my nose looked like it had been hit by something.

What Missing “My Calling” Taught Me

She had lost the baby. When I heard that she was expecting, I was ecstatic. I couldn’t believe that this woman—whom God had revealed to me a few months prior that she would conceive this year—was already pregnant!

My Identity Crisis: All I Wanted Was to Fit In

I spent a large part of my adolescence searching for my identity as if it were a lost item to be found. I suppose it was because a large part of my childhood and early teenage years was spent moving between various states in Malaysia before settling in Auckland, New Zealand.

13 Words that Changed My Life

There are certain moments in life we will never forget. We remember these times vividly because they have a profound impact on the way we view the world, ourselves, and how we approach life.

Letter to My Past (Gay) Self

Dear Raphael, I am you in 10 years’ time. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that you’re deeply loved by God and you’re very precious to Him. You are the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8).

I’m An Extrovert and I’m Embarrassed by It

Is anyone else out there guilty of subtly rigging your own personality assessment? You know what I’m talking about.

Why I’m Not Pursuing Gay Relationships Anymore

It was past midnight. I was with the guy I had liked for more than a year. We had just left a gay bar and, for some reason, started to talk about Christianity and homosexuality. We were both Christians, but he and I held different views on this matter.

A Letter to My 18-Year-Old Self

Dear Ana, You’re an 18-year-old walking on air. You’re in a place where you’d probably never be again. Don’t waste it. It’s probably the most beautiful time, with great moments to treasure.