Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under FEATURES. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: FEATURES.

What Should Christians Do About the Pain and Suffering in This World?

I never expected celebrity chef and writer Anthony Bourdain to take his own life. No one did. Few guessed the internal struggles that sapped his zest for living, even while publicly he personified vitality itself. Sad news comes as a shock, even when there is so much of it.

Ken and Addy: Sharing Home with Complete Strangers

Standing outside the four-storied terrace house, it’s easy to get lost in awe. In land-scarce Singapore, it’s huge. It towers over you, its modern concrete exterior—a combination of clean, sleek lines with glass railings and a high varnished wood gate—showing you what luxury looks like.

3 Things To Do When Life Feels Meaningless

I felt like I was on top of the world. It was, after all, any young man’s dream come true. I was in my mid-20s with a high paying job, good career prospects, and all the comforts and luxuries that life could offer. What more could anyone wish for?

Zakaria Zhou: From Drug Dealer to Gospel Bearer

Zakaria Zhou Zhao Zong. The alliteration of the ‘Z’s in his name catches one’s eye and ear. Learn about his life and it is no less explosive as the syllables in his name.

Why Do I Always Think I’m Not Good Enough?

“I’m really stressed,” my friend Anna* sighed, slumping into her seat opposite me at the café. “I need to do well during this probation period, but at the rate my department head keeps criticizing me, I don’t think I’m gonna make the cut.”

Is Christian Work Better than Secular Work?

It’s unusual that you’d find someone who would come right out and articulate the view that Christian work is better than “secular” or “non-Christian” work, or that the only activity under the sun that matters is evangelism.

Why Am I So Stuck In My Growth As A Christian?

“I always seem to come back to square one.” That was what I said to my leader many years back, while a university student serving as a youth ministry volunteer.

How Do I Stay Close to God in A World Full of Distractions?

Life and all that it entails has become extremely complex today. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as the real-time availability of entertainment on mobile devices

Xempt: A New Name And New Lease On Life

At the age of 17, Caleb Bloomfield found himself in the dark basement of his apartment no longer in control of his own life. He was reeling from two major losses