Making Decisions—How to Trust the Spirit (and Not Just Your Gut)
What course should I take?
What career should I pursue?
Who should I date—and marry?
Making decisions in life is hard enough, but it’s even harder as a Christian...
3 Truths from Jesus on Brokenness and Loss
We are called to shine the light of Christ, but bringing light and hope has never been more difficult, as we face societal rage at institutions along with a deep sense of displacement and loss.
8 Ways We Can Be Kinder to Ourselves
Our minds are often so vulnerable to self-criticisms and ruthless inner dialogues—“I can’t do anything right”, “I am not good enough”—that we find it easier to speak kindly to others than to ourselves.
But given what Christ has done for us at the cross, the way we put ourselves down is not something that God desires for us.
3 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Demotivated in Ministry
“Apathy” was ranked as the single biggest concern of 2022, according to Lifeway Research’s survey of 1,000 pastors on their churches’ most pressing needs.
4 Ways to Handle Pressures to Conform at Work
I was only 23 when I landed my dream job, working for a major commercial radio newsroom in Sydney. I’d only been in the job for a short time before I began to discover how difficult this might be as a Christian.
Is it Okay for a Christian to be Ambitious?
It’s a word that can cause great angst amongst Christians. And for good reason. We often associate it with a “win at all costs”, “stab your competition in the back” mentality, especially when it comes to the workplace.
6 Ways to Set Our Minds on Christ During a Busy Workday
Christians are to be people who think differently, who have a spiritual (Romans 8:5-6) or heavenly mindset (Colossians 3:2). We give our mind to how we can worship God and put the needs of others before our own in all the decisions of life, rather than the selfish pursuits of the “flesh”.
5 Ways The Church Is Changing and How We Can Adapt
Two years into the global pandemic, it has become clear that the church will not be returning to what it once was—a gathering primarily based in a physical location. “That church” has “left the building”.
3 Ways to Love Your Unlovely Colleagues
Sacrificial love is hard, even when it is directed towards someone we truly love.
But loving someone we don’t love—someone who makes our life miserable and difficult, well, that feels almost impossible at times!