Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: friend request

Ty Morin hopes to photograph 788 friends by the year 2016. His picture taking project, entitled “Friend Request: Accepted”, will require him to photograph each of his Facebook friends doing what they love—anything from firefighting to weightlifting. Although many of his friends live in remote regions of the world, he feels it’s important to show up and connect personally with each one—sp

ODJ: demanding answers

Remember that thing Charlotte used to say when she didn’t get her way?”

My wife Merryn and I were sitting in church after the morning service. Merryn’s comment referred to a time when our niece, then 2 years old, wanted to play with all her blankets instead of just one and the response she gave her mother when told she couldn’t.
“You mean”, I replied, “

ODJ: when sleep eludes

I tossed and turned on my bed. My heart was troubled and my mind disturbed. I was deliberating a decision that could set my life on a whole new course. In this scary time, I found myself praying: Lord, teach me how to pray!

The disciples made a similar request to Jesus (though for a different reason). Jesus’ answer is recorded for us in Luke 11:2-4.
It never fails to

ODJ: fixed

I love excellence and I even battle against perfectionism from time to time. But there are times I find speed more desirable than precision. As evidence, behind every picture on my walls is a cluster of tiny pinholes. It’s no wonder that the occasional picture falls from its place. After all, I can’t expect much from a technique that relies on a hairbrush in lieu of a hammer and a good eye ins

ODJ: not too young

Recent research has revealed what teenagers truly desire from the adults in their lives. The Search Institute study found that teenagers want parents and other older influencers to do the following: 1. Look at us. 2. Spend time talking with us. 3. Listen. 4. Be dependable. 5. Show appreciation for what we do. 6. Relax. 7. Show that you’re interested. 8. Laugh with us (and at yourself). 9. Ask

ODJ: bad habits

Our young daughter has always preferred sleeping flat on her stomach and without a pillow. But last winter she developed a sinus condition and the only way she could stop coughing during the night was if she placed her head on a pillow and slept on her side. Six years of lying flat on her tummy without a pillow had become a habit, however, and she would stay in that raised position for only a few

ODJ: rules and grace

Students in a Christian school lined up at the lunch table to get their food. At the head of the table was a pile of apples. A teacher made the following note and posted it on the apple tray: “Take only ONE. God is watching.” At the end of the table, next to a large tray of chocolate chip cookies, a clever student placed this note, “Take all you want. God is watching the apples.”

ODJ: the waiting game

In 2006 Trevor Thompson surveyed 1,003 adults and determined the following: while waiting in line at an office or shop, most people take an average of 17 minutes to lose their cool. When placed on hold during a phone call, most people lose their patience in 9 minutes. Women lose their patience after waiting in line for about 18 minutes. Men lose it after 15 minutes. People with a degree and a hi

ODJ: tower of…books

Marta Minujin created an 82 foot tall sculpture of the Tower of Babel in the Plaza San Martin in Buenos Aires. The artist made it using over 30,000 donated books written in nearly every world language. Inside the turret, visitors could hear a recording of Minujin’s voice pronouncing the Word in various languages. She said her mission was to “unite all people”.

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