Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: at work

A group of us were sharing dinner and then we gave testimonies about a God who loves His people enough to speak His dreams into their hearts. We heard of an apartment complex for single mothers. A wedding barn and a Christian campground. A new local church being established. Common to all was the desire that God’s name would be made great through each respective leap of faith.

ODJ: in the light of God

Pastor G. Campbell Morgan was quoted as saying: “What we do in the crisis always depends on whether we see the difficulties in the light of God, or God in the shadow of the difficulties.” When people face any kind of crisis, they tend to look through the lens of fear and anxiety.

The widow in 2 Kings 4 seemed to see her difficulties in the light of God—not God in the shado

ODJ: according to plan

It was the week of the Passover celebration. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish pilgrims came to the temple to commemorate their deliverance from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12:1-28). On the Sunday preceding the Passover, Jesus had allowed the people to honour Him as king as He entered Jerusalem—something He hadn’t allowed them to do earlier (John 12:12-16).

Over the past 3 years

ODJ: In a Tough Place

God doesn’t reject or ignore us when we’re in a tough place. In Isaiah, we read these words: “I, the LORD, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them” (Isaiah 41:17). The Lord is present—listening to our prayers, feeling what we feel, and loving us when no one else seems to care.

ODJ: love that dies

Renowned Christian writer Dallas Willard wrote: “The aim of God in history is the creation of an all-inclusive community of loving persons, with Himself included in that community as its prime sustainer and most glorious inhabitant.” Marriage is one way God continues to create this community.

Paul commenced his instruction on marriage by affirming a mutuality and oneness b

ODJ: after the wilderness

If you’ve ever experienced prolonged disappointment or pain, you know it can feel like you’re in the ‘wilderness’—a barren place where you never seem to reach the much anticipated ‘Promised Land’.

This imagery is drawn from ancient Israel’s own journey through the wilderness (Numbers 10-36), which Moses recaps in Deuteronomy 8. Through it we discover that ther

ODJ: you’re in good hands

Sometime back in the 1950s, the Allstate Insurance Company’s marketing group was struggling to come up with a slogan for the company’s first major national advertising campaign. As the team was ready to quit after an empty day of brainstorming, sales executive Davis Ellis remembered a reassuring comment his wife made to him months earlier when their child was sick in the hospital.

ODJ: what we focus on

The moon has recently been so bright and big that it almost seemed possible to step out my window, onto its surface and go for a midnight stroll. It’s beautiful, but its brilliance has been disturbing the rest of our little light-sleeper son who keeps getting up—thinking it’s time for breakfast. On nights like these, it’s hard to believe that the moon is, in fact, dull, lifeless and dark.

ODJ: shattered dreams

A friend had been working at a job he loved for many years when he was suddenly laid off. He took another position at a new company, but the work was not as fulfilling and didn’t pay well. Then the first employer asked him to return, which he did with joy. Sadly, he and most of the workforce were again laid off just 7 days later. The other company wouldn’t take him back and he’s