ODJ: when sleep eludes

March 27, 2014 

READ: Luke 11:1-13 

For everyone who asks, receives (v.10).

I tossed and turned on my bed. My heart was troubled and my mind disturbed. I was deliberating a decision that could set my life on a whole new course. In this scary time, I found myself praying: Lord, teach me how to pray!

The disciples made a similar request to Jesus (though for a different reason). Jesus’ answer is recorded for us in Luke 11:2-4.

It never fails to amaze me that Jesus taught us to address God as Father. He could have picked “Lord” or “Almighty God”, but He didn’t. This is significant. The term “Father” contains the intimacy and love found in a personal relationship with the Sovereign Creator of the universe.

Of this reality Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “If you should ask me to state in one phrase what I regard as the greatest defect in most Christian lives, I would say that it is our failure to know God as our Father as we should know Him. . . . Ah yes, we say; we do know that and believe it. But do we know it in our daily life and living? Is it something of which we are always conscious? If only we got hold of this, we could smile in the face of every possibility and eventuality that lies ahead of us.”

Jesus gave us an illustration to help us know our Father better (vv.11-13). In essence, He said, “Whatever is for your spiritual benefit, your heavenly Father will surely give you.” As I continued to deliberate over my big decision, I’m glad that I could commune with my Father and seek His heart and wisdom.

So, as His child who desires to love Him, I pray that His name may be praised, His interest be advanced and His will be done! —Poh Fang Chia
1 Samuel 17:1-31 ‹365-day plan

Read Matthew 6:9-13 for the longer version of the Lord’s Prayer. 
How will the Lord’s Prayer guide you in your prayers as you go through troubling times? What does it mean for you to know God as your heavenly Father?