
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Suffering. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Suffering.

Tag Archive for: suffering

Woman uncomfortable with her arms crossed

3 Ways Discomfort Discomforted Me

Not again. I was at my wit’s end. A good two and a half weeks had passed since I had finished my second course of antibiotics, but as I gazed at the ceiling that night—awake, alert, and anxious—it felt as though I was back to square one.
Girl in a lake fully clothed

What if I Can’t Accept My Suffering?

For years, I had struggled with health issues. Plagued by auto-immune problems, anxiety, and OCD, I had to accept physical limitations and challenges with schoolwork, but I could not make peace with the mental disruption and chaos in my life.

SUFFERING | Themed Contribution

People sometimes say that the God in the Old Testament (OT) is very different from the God in the New Testament (NT). In the OT, He’s unloving, angry, and violent, but He’s loving, peaceful, and caring in the NT.

RE:Align / Pain or Gain?

No one likes to suffer. We often ask, “Do I deserve this?" Why is there pain and suffering? And Satan sometimes uses such moments to evoke a sense of abandonment in God's children, and make us misunderstand the love of God.
Hand reaching out in the sunlight

Why Does God Allow Some to Suffer More Than Others?

At a recent political conference, I had the opportunity to meet individuals from different countries, many of whom were currently living amid political uncertainty. Listening to the struggles they faced in their own countries, I was intrigued.

Finding God In Everyday Things

Life is tough. And suffering comes in many forms - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. So here’s a way to help us through difficult times: Look for God in the smallest things. Let everyday items bring to mind His wonderful promises. Let’s see things from a different perspective. The more we see God for who He is, the more we will grow in our gratitude and love for Him.

When Good People Suffer

Ever regretted giving a testimony? When I was 19 years old, I prayed really hard to get into a scholars programme at a local university. Only three per cent of the undergraduate cohort was accepted into the programme each year.

Will God Give Me More Than I Can Bear?

“God will never give you more than you can bear. He will give you only what you can handle.” In the early years of my walk with Jesus, I found these words comforting whenever challenges arose.

Here’s why Christians will Suffer

Having decided to follow Jesus while away from home studying at Edinburgh University, Matt was looking forward to sharing his new faith with his family.