Sexual Temptation

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Tag Archive for: sexual temptation

laptop with an arrow pointing to north star

I’m a Woman and I’m Addicted to Porn

It took a long time before I recognised my addiction for what it was, and even longer before I could consider myself an addict. I thought I was just someone who liked to read a lot.
Painting of a married couples hands making a heart shape

5 Things I Didn’t Realise Until I Got Married

Yet, as I have learned in the nine short months that I’ve been married, there were things—situations, emotions—that I had imagined differently when I was single. Close friends of mine who were also newlyweds, shared similar sentiments.
Lust as lips painting

Lust in Dating: The Secret Sin We Don’t Talk About

My husband and I have been married for more than half a year now. Before that, we were in a courtship for just over two years.

Journey of Sexual Purity

Written by Ross Boone, USATitle: Journey of Sexual Purity Artwork…

Thank God I Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction

Yes, you read that right. It sounded ridiculous—even sadistic—to me as well, when my friend said a similar prayer years ago. But today, these seven precious words have taken on a new meaning for me.
Man standing with a woman's hand over one of his eyes

A Letter to the Wandering Eye 

Hey. Over your latte, I saw the worry in your eyes. I know this isn’t who you want to be; you never wanted to be attracted elsewhere, you thought you would always be contented in your marriage.

4 Ways to Flee Sexual Temptation

I read about a recent pastors’ conference in the United States where, during the Q&A session, the inevitable question came to the old preacher sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage: “What is the one thing you want younger pastors to know?”