
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Relationships. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Relationships.

Tag Archive for: relationships

Couple standing next to each other

Falling in Love . . . And Out of it

I was 13 when I first fell in love. It was also the first time that I truly experienced God. You might think that this is going to be a story about “puppy-love”, since I mentioned that I was only 13. But bear with me.
Girl looking down thinking - what singleness can teach you about love

What Singleness Taught Me About Love

While having lunch with a girl friend one day, we touched on our favorite topic as single girls: relationships. Contrary to what many romantic drama serials and movies portray, the life of a single professional woman (especially if she is a Christian) is far from one of romance and constant social activity.

Are You In Sync With Technology?

Debunking common misconceptions within the church and perceptions of Christianity. This topic tugs on my heartstrings as I thought and believed all of these only four years ago before I became a Christian. These misconceptions get tossed around so easily in society. I hope that as you look through my project it allows you to understand what CHRISTianity is all about. (1) Are-you-in-sync-with-technology Ever gone on a date without your phone? The conversation might turn out a lot different. Has technology replaced precious F2F interaction? (2)-Are-you-in-sync-with-technology When’s the last time you skyped or facetimed a friend or loved one? Isn’t it fascinating how close they seem even though you’re 10,000 miles apart? Has technology helped you keep up with each other’s lives? (3)-Are-you-in-sync-with-technology Don’t feel like stepping out of the house? Call a delivery service and tadah - food at your doorstep! Has technology made things more convenient or made us lazy? (4)-Are-you-in-sync-with-technology What’s the first thing you do when you get home from school / work? Slouch in the couch? Before you know it, an hour has disappeared . . .

ODJ: The Last Stop

My friend says our lives are like trains. We make various “stops” for school, college, job, marriage, and family. At each stop we spend time with others who have stepped off. When we graduate or change jobs, we say goodbye to the people at that junction and step back onto the train. Only a handful of people stay with us all the way to the end. These are the most important people in our

Descendants of the Sun: 5 Relationship Hacks

By the end of this week, millions of people, especially in Asia, will likely be experiencing a mixture of sadness, anxiety, and irritability—which I shall affectionately term the “post-DOTS syndrome”. For the uninitiated, here’s why: the massively popular Korean TV drama Descendants of the Sun (DOTS) will air its last episode tonight (14 April).
Couple together - unexpected benefits of being the third wheel

3 Unexpected Benefits of Being the Third Wheel

Are you a third wheel (or light bulb, as it is known in some cultures)? For those clueless about what this is, a third wheel is a person who hangs out with a couple—and who can become an awkward addition to a romantic date.
Couple holding hands in the street

What If She’s Not The One?

In a recent episode of American sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj, one of the main characters, is drawn and attracted to a girl he meets. However, he has been dating his girlfriend for a while, and now wonders if he should break up with her and pursue a new relationship.
Guy with a flare on the beach contemplating life as a single male.

To All Christian Single Guys . . .

There is nothing wrong with being single. Yes, you read this right: There’s nothing wrong with you if you are not married or attached—or, for that matter, if you have never been in a relationship. Sure, God created us with the desire for love and companionship.
Couple arguing in a lecture hall

Should We Avoid Conflicts in Relationships?

“Do not marry someone you have not had a big fight with.” The first time I heard this piece of advice, it startled me. It seemed counter-intuitive.