relationship with God

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under relationship with God. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: relationship with God.


When the Thrill of Success Wears Off

Again, my heart soared as I held the newspaper in my hands. And again, my excitement faded quickly. What was the problem? I started to wonder if I was in the wrong major. Was I really meant to be a writer? To think that I had it wrong terrified me. If not writing, then what?

ASK YMI: If God Is Real, Why Do Christians Commit Suicide?

It’s a bold and a fair question, but somewhat misinformed in its assumptions. It seems to assume that being a Christian somehow exempts a person from their own brokenness and the world’s brokenness. It doesn’t.

How Can I Trust God When Life Is So Uncertain?

This time last week, I was boarding a last-minute flight home to the UK from Austria, moments after the Austrian government had announced a national lockdown in response to the global spread of the coronavirus. Stepping aboard a plane full of anxious passengers and cagey crewmembers was an unsettling flying experience I won’t soon forget.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Reading the Bible

3 Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible | YMI

The King James has been swapped for a more contemporary Bible version, a commentary has been summoned along with a nice journal, with hopes of capturing every revelation or verse that speaks to us. But yet, the diary remains empty, and quiet time soon becomes a chore.  “Why even read the Bible?” we begin to wonder. 

Lifelines When It Feels Like God’s Against You

I army-crawled through my own questions not long ago, amidst a cancer scare for my son. And I’d say that truthfully, more than events that alienate me from God, my thoughts are what often enslave me, threatening to tear me from the rigorous discipline of trusting what is true.

Are You Weak Enough for God to Use You?

I’ve always struggled with separation anxiety. For a long time, venturing to other countries for study or work seemed impossible. But at 19, I ended up going overseas alone. I did a five-month internship in San Francisco as part of my school curriculum.

I Forgot I Was Friends with Jesus

I didn’t realize until I was in my third year of college that I had forgotten about the friendship I could have with Jesus. I had become so calloused to the tender side of His relationship with me that it often felt more like I was His spiritual employee, rather than someone He delights in.

When Life Doesn’t Go as Expected

Who am I? What am I here for? I used to think these two great questions could be answered once, then put aside. As we prayed for direction, discovered our gifts, and pursued our passions, we would find the one big thing we were meant to do with our lives. Now I’m not so sure.

Will I Ever Be Good Enough?

I come from a loving family, and have great friends, but there have been days where I’ve felt like I was living under their shadow. All of them seemed to enjoy success in the areas of work, relationships, and ministry, while I seemed to keep losing out on academic and personal achievements.