relationship with God

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under relationship with God. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: relationship with God.


When You Don't Hear From God

There wasn’t a clear, booming, “Yes, go ahead with this plan”, or “Yes, this is the will I have for you” from God when I packed my bags and said goodbye to family and friends for a job overseas.

When Things Don't Make Sense

“Seriously, God?” I was lying down face up on the floor at home, looking at the spinning blades of the ceiling fan. It was January 2014, and I was at a career crossroads in life.

When You're Skeptical of God's Plan

I consider myself a very thorough decision-maker. I try to think of all possible factors, potential outcomes, and I take a long time to do it (as if more time would result in a better decision).

The #AgeChallenge: Will You Still Look Like You in 50 Years?

In the past few days, my social media feeds have been filled with pictures of my friends—except 40-50 years’ older—with the hashtag #AgeChallenge or #FaceAppChallenge.
Memorizing Scripture Changed My Life

Memorizing Scripture Changed My Life

I’ve decided to memorize the whole of the book of Luke. I know—it sounds a bit insane. But let me tell you how I got to this point.

Truths I Wish to Share with My 20-Year-Old Self

In my early twenties, I hated being single. I thought it meant that I was unattractive and unwanted.

When Depression Drove Me Away From God

I have been struggling with depression all my life, but recently, I hit a breaking point. I was furious at the Lord, questioning why He had not taken this illness away.

3 Ways Scripture Speaks to Anxiety

I’d never really thought of myself as an anxious person. If anything, I’d always tended to take my fears by the horns and battle with them until I prevailed. But things started to change when I signed up for graduate school while most of my friends went to work full-time.

When I Didn't Encounter God During Worship

What comes to mind when you think about worship? Or more specifically, what do you think of when it comes to singing in church? For me, it used to involve emotional music, closed eyes, and of course, raised hands.