Tag Archive for: racism
It’s Time to Talk About Racism in the Church
“There’s an African church in another part of town. Perhaps that would be better for your husband.”
That was what a lady said to me one Sunday as l was chatting with someone in the church courtyard before the morning service.
We Need to Talk About Race Matters
As a Singaporean Chinese, I’ve always been part of the racial majority. Although my heart is for the overlooked and voiceless, I knew that no amount of ministry with and among them would enable me to experience what being on the margins, or “othered”, is like. So I looked forward to experiencing life as a racial minority when I moved to the US.
When I Felt Heard by a White Man
To many, these racial tensions are everyday life obstacles to hurdle—not newly emerging problems. I am one of the many: a Black man who calls America home.
When the Church Isn’t Doing Enough for Justice
Each Sunday that goes by without a mention of racial justice, with no acknowledgment of the deep pain that is rocking our nation and affecting believers and nonbelievers alike, makes me wonder why the Church is not at the forefront of advocating for justice.
Can A Christian Be Racist?
There’s a short answer to this question and it is very short.
A Christian cannot be racist.
Why We May All be Guilty of Racism
Last week, a friend of our family was walking with his wife in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago when he was attacked by a gang of young men and badly beaten. He ended up spending the night in the hospital with several cracked bones in his face and other assorted cuts and bruises.
ODB: Minister of Reconciliation
As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached on a Sunday morning in 1957, he fought the temptation to retaliate against a society steeped in racism.“How do you go about loving your enemies?” he asked the Dexter Avenue Baptist congregation in Montgomery, Alabama. “Begin with yourself. . . . When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you mus
ODJ: unwanted and unloved
A pastor and his congregation, serving in an area known for addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes, haveprayed an interesting prayer for many years: Lord, send us the people nobody else wants. That prayer has been answered, as more than 800 church attendees are now involved in recovery programmes designed to help them break free from destructive lifestyles. Recently the pastor added this phrase to th