Tag Archive for: quiet time
Ideas For When You’re Spiritually Distracted
You’ve probably been there, like I have. You settle in for some time with God, but your brain feels more like a pinball machine.
Creative Ways to Stay in the Word
Whereas I used to begin my day reading the Bible, or at least have a time set aside for it, my daily agenda has been turned upside down, and with it, my Scripture reading. I’ve been brainstorming ways we can help each other stay accountable in reading the Bible—partaking of our Lifeline and breathing deeply of this Sustenance.
How Do I Know If I’m Reading the Bible Correctly?
When I was applying to colleges years ago, I remember waiting to get my acceptance letter. One day, I sorted through stacks of junk mail to find an envelope with a college logo at the top. I tore open the letter and read it carefully.
4 Ways to Keep a Regular Quiet Time
It was at a Christian retreat where I first learned about quiet time. An older Christian gave me a devotional book, which taught me how to spend time every day building my relationship with God.
Are You Running on an Empty Tank?
When I was getting ready to leave the house one day, my father said to me, “Better pump gas in the car, or else you might run out on the highway, you know . . .” I laughed at his comment and replied, “Nah, I got this covered. I’m sure there’s enough gas to take me to my destination and back.”
Do We Enjoy God?
For the past few days, I have been ploughing through the book of Isaiah trying my best to understand what the prophet means. But I have been growing increasingly anxious, because I don’t seem to be learning much; nothing applicable has really struck me.
ODB: Dealing With Distractions
A restaurant owner in the village of Abu Ghosh, just outside Jerusalem, offered a 50-percent discount for patrons who turned off their cell phones.