
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Purpose. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Purpose.

Tag Archive for: purpose

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Really Good

If I’m honest, the truth of Christianity has never been enough to get me excited about following Jesus. I can read a book that offers proof of the existence of God and still feel lost as to how that impacts my life today.
Man standing with a bunch of fingers being pointed at him

3 Ways to Live by Faith in the Midst of Opposition

Let’s face it . . . being a Christian can be hard in the current climate of hostility—where Christians around the world face physical oppression and persecutions, and the Church is labelled “archaic” and “irrelevant” in its stand on modern issues. This hit home for me as a university student, when a professor whom I highly respected stopped mid-lecture, having seen me with a cross necklace, to call me out and attack me for my faith.

The Unexpected Places God Sends Us

One of my church’s former pastors and later chaplain of the United States Senate, Dr. Richard Halverson, formed a beautiful benediction that started, “You go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you.” Recently, I’ve been reflecting on some events that are teaching me every circumstance and situation can be used by God for His purposes.

3 Questions to Ask When You’re Job-Hunting

I struggled a lot after graduation, asking God what I should do with my life. I could not find a job in the industry of my choice, so I took one I knew I wouldn’t stay at. Work was not the meaningful, passionate experience I had imagined it would be. Instead, it turned out to be mundane, filled with politics, office gossip, and sometimes, simply a survival game to get to the top. I started thinking about what I wanted to do in the long-term. How should I work for the Lord and find satisfaction in my toil for Him?

Are You Weak Enough for God to Use You?

I’ve always struggled with separation anxiety. For a long time, venturing to other countries for study or work seemed impossible. But at 19, I ended up going overseas alone. I did a five-month internship in San Francisco as part of my school curriculum.

When Life Doesn’t Go as Expected

Who am I? What am I here for? I used to think these two great questions could be answered once, then put aside. As we prayed for direction, discovered our gifts, and pursued our passions, we would find the one big thing we were meant to do with our lives. Now I’m not so sure.

Is God Ghosting Me?

Does God ever go silent? It’s a reasonable question. My first reaction to it is an emphatic, “Yes!” God's direction was so clear when He led me to finish the degree, that I was sure once I was done, He’d show me what’s next. But as of yet, nothing. Crickets.

Your (Totally Doable) Daily Goals for a Purposeful Year

Title: Your (Totally Doable) Daily Goals for a Purposeful Year Artwork…
Daniel Hamlin

Daniel Hamlin: Finding Purpose beyond the Waves

Daniel believed he’d discovered his life’s purpose in a career in the pro-surfing industry. However on a surf trip to Nicaragua in his mid-20s that was set to become his big break, Daniel couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.