Tag Archive for: patience

Waiting Well When Nothing’s Happening
I hate waiting. The suspense often leaves me confused. Am I supposed to do something while waiting, or just sit it out until something happens?

Will I Miss Out If I Wait on God?
Whenever I don’t know which option is better, I know I can seek answers from the Bible and consult trusted elders and friends in church. But when it comes to the latter—committing to make the “better” choice, it becomes a matter of will: would I be willing to make the “better” choice?

A Quick Summary Of James 4:13-5:20
In James' concluding words, we are reminded to align our purposes…

Is Patience Futile?
I’d just about had it. My heart was so heavy over these painful issues. What was the point of bringing them to God again and again, if nothing was going to change immediately?

God Often Does His Best Work in the Dark
It feels safe to say that 2020 has been a challenging year for most. For me, it is a year where nothing seems to have happened and where everything has happened.

Please Hurry Up and Interrupt Me
My speed unintentionally suggests to those around me, “Let’s get this over with because I have things to do.” And I wish I could say that walking fast is the only way I’ve communicated to others that they are not as important as my schedule...

Losing Patience with COVID-19? Two Tips to Keep Yourself Mentally Sane
Like me, you probably thought that this outbreak would not last for long. But looking at the current situation, the pandemic is unlikely to end soon. We have to learn to co-exist with it for a long time.
Does this make you feel anxious or uncertain, wondering when Covid-19 will ever end or how it might continue to impact our lives as we’ve known it? If so, here are a few suggestions to help us remain mentally healthy as we wait for the traces of Covid-19 to completely disappear.

When Your Love Languages Don’t Match
What was wrong with me? Am I that selfish? Am I that unappreciative? How could I know that my husband works so hard to selflessly serve me, but then ask him to love me in a different way? Am I not satisfied with all of his efforts?

Why Won’t God Give Me What I Want?
I want that marriage.
I want that vacation.
I want that . . . Fill in your want.
I wanted the full-time job.
But the more I prayed about it, the more I knew that it wasn’t going to happen just quite yet.