Tag Archive for: new life
When God Rewrites Our Stories (As revealed through 3 Bible Characters)
There’s a story we all have of ourselves that we’ve come to believe. Whether it’s a story of hurt, pain, or disappointment, our Heavenly Father delights in rewriting our stories.
Am I Really My Sinful Self? Yes and No
Someone told me they had stumbled on a great new discipline strategy for their children. When this person caught their child doing something wrong, the child was stopped. The parent would tell them, “That’s not who you are!”
In one sense, that's true.
Say Hello To The ‘New You’
We’re often on a journey to find the “new us”. We try new diets and workout routines, new clothing trends, and the latest skincare products, in hopes that they will lead us to the shiny “new us” we’ve envisioned.
The Hopeful Side of Troubling Times
I was in a season of newness and growth, much like spring. And spring, for all its beauty, can be hard work. Digging up our unplowed ground and allowing God access to break up hardened areas in our hearts is painful.
7 Questions to Start the Year Right
Like the seven Old Testament feasts God put in place, holidays can be a selah of sorts. So maybe you still have a day or two of holiday time left. If so, I hope these prompts (designed for “prinking” over—that’s praying and thinking) can help breathe some fresh air into your soul for the next year.
ODJ: trading places
He shouldn’t have been there, but the pain and isolation made him desperate. Was this the sum total of his life—to scream “Unclean! Unclean!” whenever anyone came near him? To wear torn clothes to signal his diseased state . . . to feel so alone?He hadn’t been embraced in a long time. And to offer a hug himself would defile his wife, friends and fami