
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Misconceptions. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Misconceptions.

Tag Archive for: misconceptions

A hand is going to reveal the playing card

4 False Views We Have About God

Fill in the blanks. God is _____. Hmm . . .  perhaps we aren’t sure and our mind has drawn a blank.
ducklings follow mom swimming but a lazy duckling refuse and use a swimming ring

4 Misconceptions About Following Jesus

Sometimes the way we view Christian living can turn into a drag, like having a long list of things you know you should do but aren't doing well or enough, so you're constantly struggling (failing) to "live up to expectations".
a wedding photo album

What You Won’t See in Our Wedding Photos

It’s day four of our 10-day honeymoon, and I’m sitting by a little gas fire, alone. My husband and I have been looking forward to our honeymoon for weeks. But this trip is not quite what I hoped it would be.
Two friends are whispering behind a guy

What My Assumptions Taught Me About Judging Others

Some months ago, I noticed that an acquaintance had become distant and cold towards me. When I asked about it, the person told me that it was because I had overreacted about something during our last exchange. I understood their perspective and apologised, but it became clear that a point of no return had been reached for them.
Misconceptions of mental health

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health

Unfortunately, not everyone gets it right when it comes to understanding mental ill-health (And we’re still trying to figure it out ourselves!)

4 Lies That Keep Us From Spiritual Growth

These stumbling blocks are lies that l believed for a long time, which made me think that God wasn't for me, and that contrary to what the Bible says, He didn't love me very much, because l didn't deserve it. Such thoughts held me captive and made me miserable.

3 Misconceptions about Marriage

Weddings. It’s interesting how many people (women in particular) start dreaming and talking about their wedding at a young age. I came across a blogger who wrote about how she started dreaming about her wedding as soon as she could talk.

Making Friends in College: 3 Misconceptions

In a culture obsessed with romantic relationships, the value of genuine friendship often goes unrecognized.