Tag Archive for: misconceptions

4 False Views We Have About God
Fill in the blanks. God is _____.
Hmm . . . perhaps we aren’t sure and our mind has drawn a blank.

4 Misconceptions About Following Jesus
Sometimes the way we view Christian living can turn into a drag, like having a long list of things you know you should do but aren't doing well or enough, so you're constantly struggling (failing) to "live up to expectations".

What You Won’t See in Our Wedding Photos
It’s day four of our 10-day honeymoon, and I’m sitting by a little gas fire, alone. My husband and I have been looking forward to our honeymoon for weeks. But this trip is not quite what I hoped it would be.

What My Assumptions Taught Me About Judging Others
Some months ago, I noticed that an acquaintance had become distant and cold towards me. When I asked about it, the person told me that it was because I had overreacted about something during our last exchange. I understood their perspective and apologised, but it became clear that a point of no return had been reached for them.

4 Misconceptions about Mental Health
Unfortunately, not everyone gets it right when it comes to understanding mental ill-health (And we’re still trying to figure it out ourselves!)

4 Lies That Keep Us From Spiritual Growth
These stumbling blocks are lies that l believed for a long time, which made me think that God wasn't for me, and that contrary to what the Bible says, He didn't love me very much, because l didn't deserve it. Such thoughts held me captive and made me miserable.

3 Misconceptions about Marriage
Weddings. It’s interesting how many people (women in particular) start dreaming and talking about their wedding at a young age. I came across a blogger who wrote about how she started dreaming about her wedding as soon as she could talk.

Making Friends in College: 3 Misconceptions
In a culture obsessed with romantic relationships, the value of genuine friendship often goes unrecognized.