Tag Archive for: mental illness
Editor’s Picks: Best of Mental Health and the Gospel
Mental Health. Mostly, the threats come in ways you can’t see. But the claws of mental health struggles become very, very tangible as they seep into our lives and affect how we’re able to cope, live, and work. Sometimes it’s a challenge for Christians to talk about this. Afterall, doesn’t Jesus make us whole?
What Not To Say To Someone Struggling With Mental Illness
Their eyebrows rose when I told them what I was writing about. I was grabbing lunch at a Christian Writer’s conference, and somehow ended up explaining to two other women that I was writing about my faith journey in light of a bipolar diagnosis.
Coming Clean On My Dirty Little Secret
I stood there with a razor in my hand. It was the first time I’d ever seriously contemplated ending my life. I had been in the shower for almost an hour, and I could hear the voices of my mother and sister pleading with me to get out.
When You Find Out Your Friend Has A Mental Illness
Simone and I were college-mates at university in England many years ago. Smart and popular, with a sarcastic sense of humor, she seemed to have it all: a strong Christian faith, a close circle of friends, top grades, and a guaranteed place in a prestigious postgraduate music program
How God Liberated Me From My Mental Battles
Depression and anxiety are no strangers to me. Panic attacks are routine, followed closely by waves of doubt and unbelief. I’ve experienced different traumas, toxic relationships, and being knocked down many times.
How Should the Church Respond to Health Disorders?
Clare* sat up in bed, half an hour past her bedtime. “What’s wrong?” her mother asked, as the 10-year-old proceeded to dash out of her room.
ODJ: a Psalm for the Struggle
It was the kind of take-away restaurant where you stand in line, place your order and then step aside to wait for your food to appear. After I did just that, a young man took my place at the front of the queue. He ordered his food by using gestures and broken words. Paying was difficult for him because one of his wrists was turned so that his fingers pointed back to his body. And walking to a tabl