Tag Archive for: Mental Health Project (Anxiety)
What God Showed Me When I Was Burnt Out
The space began to close in on me. My ears received nothing but noises. My breath became shorter.
That was the first time I experienced a panic attack during a work meeting.
Seeking Help Was the Important First Step to My Recovery
I’ve struggled with anxiety since I was first bullied in school at the age of 7. I would often go to bed with a lump in my throat and a heavy feeling in my chest, and cry myself to sleep.
My Baby’s Death Showed Me I No Longer Need to Self-Harm
I remember the surprising relief that came with that first cut. It felt stinging and exhilarating and guilt-ridden all at once. Little did I know then that it would be the first of many to come.
How I Learned to Take My Thoughts Captive
“You’re so careless!”
“Why are you so . . . stupid. How many times do I have to repeat myself?”
“You’ll never amount to anything . . . ”
These are just a small sample of the verbal knockdowns I grew up with.
Is Freedom Possible if You Have Anxiety?
“What we’re trying to do is—even when the anxiety stays—help you learn to live with it,” said my therapist for the umpteenth time.
I know what my therapist said is true, but it’s still a hard pill to swallow.
Why I Took a Sabbatical from My Pastoral Role
You’ve been set apart for good works,” says the preacher, “The Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” So why am I so sad, anxious…broken? I wonder.
Caring for My Anxious Wife … Without Despairing
Imagine waking up each day, having no idea what the day will hold. Sure, you know that it's a Tuesday, so the kids will be going to school, and you have work. But in reality, at any moment you could get a text that means you need to drop everything and return home.
That’s the reality of living with someone with a mental illness, especially when that person is your partner.
I’m a Counsellor, and I Struggled with Anxiety
“I’m sorry, there is no cure for your medical condition.” Those were the last words I expected to hear from my doctor. I was 28 then.
Can I Have Anxiety . . . and Still Trust God?
I was an anxious child. At four I paced around with a little frown, asking serious questions, and trying to prepare myself for the big wide world.
At 12, I would lie awake with a churning stomach and restless thoughts. I’m 23 now, and the anxiety hasn’t disappeared.