Tag Archive for: lust
What I Wish My Younger Self Knew About Lust
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There’s one thing I need to warn you about. You’re going to struggle with lust, and I’m sad to say that a lot of it will stem from these three lies that you will—or already—believe about sex and intimacy.
The ABCs of Battling Lust in Dating
We did everything we possibly could to be pure before the Lord: we read articles and memorized verses, prayed and reflected over each struggle, and instituted physical boundaries. Yet almost every single time we met, everything we'd learned flew out of our heads.
If you struggle with lust in your courtship as we did, I'd encourage you to take this season of self-isolation to pray and discuss with your significant other the basics—or what I call the ABCs—of pursuing joy in the Lord, and fighting sin.
Lust in Dating: The Secret Sin We Don’t Talk About
My husband and I have been married for more than half a year now. Before that, we were in a courtship for just over two years.
ODJ: don’t be dumb
There’s nothing new under the sun.
King David, the most respected man in Israel, committed adultery while his soldiers were fighting for their lives (2 Samuel 11:1-5).
Not long ago, a highly respected military leader in America was found to be in an adulterous relationship that began while he was commanding soldiers during the war in Afghanistan. He was enticed by the fla
King David, the most respected man in Israel, committed adultery while his soldiers were fighting for their lives (2 Samuel 11:1-5).
Not long ago, a highly respected military leader in America was found to be in an adulterous relationship that began while he was commanding soldiers during the war in Afghanistan. He was enticed by the fla