
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Love. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Love.

Tag Archive for: love

ODJ: using your gift

The 2013 film Frozen tells the story of a troubled princess named Elsa who possessed a special gift—the power to create ice and snow.

ODB: Human Chess

Chess is an ancient game of strategy. Each player begins with 16 pieces on the chessboard with the goal of cornering his opponent’s king. It has taken different forms over the years.

ODJ: the risk of love

The Grant Study has followed the lives of more than 250 university graduates for 70 years to learn what makes people happy. It revealed that positive emotions make us more vulnerable than negative ones—in part because they expose us to rejection and heartbreak. One man had received a box of 100 loving letters from his patients when he retired from practising medicine. Eight years later he proudl

(Another) Piece of Relationship Advice

With the (somewhat) recent proliferation of online magazines and the tsunami of relationship advice that comes with it, young people are bombarded with ideas of love, relationships, and marriage.

ODJ: a bad rep

For centuries the church has sometimes had the unfortunate reputation of bitter wrangling and vicious disagreement. There have been opposing denominations and those within the same denomination claiming to know the true interpretation of Scripture and its application to daily life. These days many Christian leaders are calling for less division and greater humility as we practise our faith togethe
Shadow of a couple on a path

A Man’s Got to Do What a Man’s Got to Do

He could feel his mouth going dry. It was as if his body was…

Loving Others: Encouragement

She slumped down into the chair exhausted. It had been a horrific week at work filled with stress and anxiety. And after work, she had spent several nights preparing the engaging Sunday School lesson.

What is Forgiveness?

Recently, in RBC Ministries’ office in UK, we all completed something called a DiSC survey. Through answering a series of questions, we discovered our personality types—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.
Couple kissing during sunset

Should Christians Date?

Bubbling to the surface was months of bitterness. They stood opposite each other, not willing to look each other in the eye. Eye contact, if any, was minimal.