
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under listicle. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: listicle.

Tag Archive for: listicle

4 Ways to Relate to Someone Who Thinks Differently From You

It’s been an eventful year, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve surely noticed that everyone around you has a different, often heated, opinion about ongoing events.

4 Lies to Combat When You Feel Lonely

Loneliness can drag on over days and weeks, and easily lead to discouragement and dejection. During this time, the lies we’re tempted to believe about our loneliness can be especially crippling, oftentimes preventing us from reaching out and forming the connections we so deeply desire. Here are some lies we can watch out for:

3 Steps to Loving Those Who Drive You up the Wall

Every day, we pray for new strength so we’d be able to walk out Jesus’ call to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:43-44). But, at the end of each week, we’re worn and exhausted, and find ourselves throwing mental darts at our enemies.
bear holding a coffee mug - 5 Verses to Help You Navigate a “New Normal”

5 Verses to Help You Navigate a “New Normal”

Now, just as many of us are finally getting used to things, transition is back on the horizon. Once again, it will be stressful. Overwhelming. Isolating. Traumatic. It’s exhausting to think about. But here are five verses that can help us as we prepare for another “new normal.”
3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Reading the Bible

3 Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible | YMI

The King James has been swapped for a more contemporary Bible version, a commentary has been summoned along with a nice journal, with hopes of capturing every revelation or verse that speaks to us. But yet, the diary remains empty, and quiet time soon becomes a chore.  “Why even read the Bible?” we begin to wonder. 
Abstract woman praying

7 Things You Should Be Praying About (But Probably Aren’t)

So what have you been praying about lately? The prayers in the Bible reflect a wide diversity of topics. Here is a list of things we don't often think to pray for, but maybe we should!

5 Tips on How to Rekindle a Friendship

Is there a friend you’ve been meaning to check up on? Someone you have been thinking about for a while now but haven’t talked to recently?

5 Simple Ways to Serve Others

Serving others doesn't have to be a grand affair. It can be a very simple gesture! Here are 5 simple ways to serve others to get you started.
Pondering Money - 5 steps to handling money well

5 Steps to Handling Money Well

Money. Practically speaking, we need it to live. We use it to get food, clothes. . . to secure a place to live. To some extent, it influences nearly every decision we make every day. How can Christians keep something so pervasive from becoming an unhealthy, idolized presence in our lives?