Tag Archive for: Kelly Purcell

a woman or person waiting in front of a building with yellow wall and plants around her

There Is Purpose to Our Waiting

By the world’s definition, waiting is only a means to an end. The waiting itself is not enjoyable nor see important, but merely something to endure to reach our end goal. Yet the Bible exhorts us to wait (e.g., Psalm 27:14), particularly for God Himself.
A hand is plucking a little purple flower

Is Being Chosen and Loved by God Really Enough?

One reminder that’s often brought up as comfort for single people is that God loves us, and that we have a relationship with Him. But knowing that did not always make me feel chosen or special, because I thought, “Well God loves everyone because He is God!”
A man is counting his money and not sure how much should write in the book

How Do I Know How Much I Can Really Give?

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Thinking through this has helped me. If I find that I am giving with reluctance, I can confidently release myself from doing so. But if that’s the case, why give at all?
Man looking up to the sky with dynamic angle

How Do We Fix Our Eyes on Jesus When We Can’t See Him?

American life coach Martha Beck describes life this way, “Your life follows your attention. Wherever you look, you end up going.” This is not unlike how we direct our spiritual gaze. However, how do we constantly look to Jesus, whom we cannot see?
A woman is pondering while waiting someone in a cafe

Ways to Think Before You Speak

We do not always know the impact our words can have on someone, but the Bible tells us the importance they can have over our lives and others.
Woman writing on daily planner sheets

Why Should We Plan and Invest if Life’s so Short

I live on the Pacific Island of Tonga, and we had a volcanic eruption over a year ago. Now, another volcano is showing increased activity, and it could blow anytime. So, what do we do? Do we plan for tomorrow or just live for today?
A woman released the balloons

4 Ways I Keep My Worries at Bay

We all have our worries about the future, and what we hear on the news certainly does not help! Earthquakes, floods, wars, government corruption, increase in crime and rising costs of living are just some of the alarming headlines we come across.  Thankfully, none of this is news to God.
Man reading in nature with view of sunset sky

5 Ways to Rekindle Joy in Our Time with God

If you find yourself needing to break out of boredom and rekindle the joy of spending time with God, here are some ideas to try or revisit
A collage of Kelly and Volcano

The Year I Survived a Volcanic Eruption

I work as a teacher in a Christian school on the island of Tonga, where people are used to natural disasters. But nothing prepared us for what happened on January 15, 2022.