Tag Archive for: Jesus’ death
Looking at the Easter Story with Fresh Eyes
While I’m a massive fan of Christmas, there is something about Easter that, on a spiritual level, I actually prefer. Observing this series of days—from Ash Wednesday, all the way up to Holy Week—that incorporate a sequence of spiritual practices, I find it life-giving for my faith.
Why Couldn’t God Just Forgive Us Without Jesus Dying?
What are we to make of Jesus’s death on the cross? Christ dying for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures is not only of monumental significance, it is the heart of gospel truth, and the centre of the Easter story.
My Baby’s Death Showed Me I No Longer Need to Self-Harm
I remember the surprising relief that came with that first cut. It felt stinging and exhilarating and guilt-ridden all at once. Little did I know then that it would be the first of many to come.
6 Things Not To Forget Every Christmas
We’re just one week away to Christmas! Here are 6 things we shouldn’t forget this Christmas!
Don’t Lose Heart
We may have started the year feeling like pristine jars; beautiful, untouched, and full of hope. But the year chipped away at us, leaving us feeling like broken, cracked jars, unworthy of containing anything within.
When God seems silent
“Hello darkness, my old friend." Seasons when God seems silent are painful times to go through, and can seem a lot like the darkness that lingers beyond the night.
Food Facts From The Bible
Food comforts us and nourishes us. Food connects us and defines us. Sharing a meal with family and friends is more than just filling our stomachs, it’s about inviting others into our heart and into our lives, of stories shared and swapped at the dining table.
Easter: More than A Series of Events
After the fall, God had an incredible plan to restore us back to life—through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Throughout the Old Testament, we see countless prophecies and events foreshadowing Jesus’ path to the cross, and the manner in which He would die and be resurrected—making the way for all believers to receive redemption and eternal life in Him.
The Heart Of The Gospel
Title: The Heart Of The Gospel
Materials: Digital Illustration