Tag Archive for: injustice

Ames Chen: Why I Write About the “Invisible People”
Hearing all the stories about unfair treatment, abuse, depression, and other struggles by this group of “invisible people” kept Ames awake at night.

How Dare God Create a World Filled with Suffering?
When I was growing up, I remember asking an adult “Why don’t you believe in God?” Her response stunned me: “If God was real, I wouldn’t have had seven miscarriages in a row.”
Whether we go through cancer, lose a loved one, experience mental ill-health, or even just turn on the news, suffering is a universal experience. And it evokes within each of us a question that we rally at the God who claims Himself to be both powerful and good: How can God allow it?

When I Felt Heard by a White Man
To many, these racial tensions are everyday life obstacles to hurdle—not newly emerging problems. I am one of the many: a Black man who calls America home.

How Can I Respond to Racial Injustice?
As a believer, I know that I am called to live out righteousness and justice. Yet living in Taiwan, so far away from America, I have felt lost in how to speak out against the injustices that have been so exposed in my home country over the last several months.

If God Is Real, Why Is There So Much Injustice?
We live in a world that’s filled with suffering and injustice. Every day, we read about how racism, rape, and abuse of power is on the rise. It’s no surprise that one of the common objections to Christianity is, “If God is real, why is there so much injustice?”

When I Faced Injustice At Work
I work as a salesperson. Just like any other salesperson, I face immense pressure on a daily basis to bring clients in and ensure I hit my sales target.

When A Friend is Suspected of Rape and Murder
I was about to turn in for the night; it was almost 11pm. As usual, I gave my phone a final check. My good friend, Linda, had just sent me a flurry of messages. What I was about to read was horrific and heart-breaking.

ODJ: shamed and disarmed
Hospital chaplain Matt Marino received a call to go to a patient’s room. He expected to find someone gravely ill, fearful or clinging to life. Instead, he was surprised to find a “strikingly attractive 23 year old sitting up cheerfully in the hospital bed, holding her infant daughter and chatting with family and friends.” Confused, Matt quietly asked the nurse why he had been called.
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ODJ: had to go there
Author Elizabeth Berg once wrote, “You know thephrase ‘It’s always in the little things’? In writing,it is always the little things—it’s the details . . . that make a character and a story come alive.”
The gospel authors knew the importance of details. For example the apostle John wrote that Jesus “had to go through Samaria” as He was travelling from Judea to Galilee (
The gospel authors knew the importance of details. For example the apostle John wrote that Jesus “had to go through Samaria” as He was travelling from Judea to Galilee (