Tag Archive for: Independence Day

Freedom Revisited
What’s shaping your definition of freedom? If we open the Scriptures to Galatians 5—a chapter describing freedom in Christ—we discover that our skewed definitions may actually lead us away from true freedom.

Jesus Doesn’t Celebrate the 4th of July
When my plane touched down at my port of entry to the United States after four months of studying abroad, I made my way with the crowds to the customs and immigration line. Right away, my eyes fell on the label for a special, dedicated line that read, “US CITIZENS”.

How the Fourth of July Reminds Me of Jesus
The Fourth of July holiday—commemorating the beginning of the American revolution against the motherland, England—is a central part of the United States’ origin story. Odds are that even if you don’t live in the USA, your home country has an origin story, too.