God’s truth

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under God’s truth. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: God’s truth.

Tag Archive for: God’s truth

Quotes to live by?

Title: Quotes to live by? Artwork by: Georgy Roy (@gy_roy) Description: We…
Just be yourself neon sign

3 Popular Phrases We Should Rethink

Social media can be a great tool for building and sustaining relationships. It’s pretty incredible that we’re able to connect with friends and family who live all over the world right from our phones!

3 Faulty Thoughts Believers Have about Same-Sex Attraction

“I completely disagree with what the pastor said about homosexuality,” Jenny* blurted out as we warmed our seats while awaiting the arrival of our pre-lunch dessert.
Disease cells floating in the air

The Disease and the Cure

This month I read a novel that is based on a true story about the plague—The Black Death that was a menace to the people living in Europe during the Middle Ages.