Tag Archive for: generosity

God’s Rest is Available to You Today
When we think of rest, we don’t usually connect it with obedience, but the Bible teaches us how they are linked. We have an opportunity to enter God’s rest, but we can fail to experience it out of disobedience.

Don’t Put Your Love on Lockdown
Opening homes. Sharing meals. Connecting virtually. Delivering packages.
There’s no telling when this pandemic will end, but that has never been within our control.
While we can’t guarantee when the next lockdown might happen, we can make sure of one thing: our love does not have to be on lockdown.

How to Beat That Languishing Feeling
When 2020 ticked over into 2021, we were hopeful that the new year would be a better one. And for awhile, it did look promising.
But alas, the bubble’s popped and the recent news about the outbreak of new COVID strains, worsening cases, and heightened restrictions have made us feel like we’re right back at square one. What can we do to keep ourselves going?
Here are some tips to help us beat that languishing feeling.

God’s Shocking Reminder When I Felt Cheated by My Friend
I was very angry, and her reply played on my mind. But I reminded myself not to follow my emotions. I tried to calm myself by doing some exercises. That was when I felt like God saying to me in my heart: “Charles, aren’t you often like this?”
“What do you mean, God?” I was confused.

The Rejected and the Redeemer
When we look at Jesus’ life, we see that he had many radical interactions with people who were marginalized—those who had fallen to the fringes of society because of sin, shame, judgment, or even physical defect and sickness.

Jessica Tanoesoedibjo: Why I Donate My Birthdays Away
As the daughter of an Indonesian billionaire, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, 25, could have spent her time and money on throwing lavish parties or jet-setting around the world to enjoy herself.
Instead, she uses her birthday to raise funds for social causes such as anti-slavery, clean water, and disaster relief.

Editor’s Picks: Best of “Why Do I Do?”
Take a journey with us as we reflect back on the last three months of 2019, and how we can love God with all that we do, big and small.

5 Steps to Handling Money Well
Money. Practically speaking, we need it to live. We use it to get food, clothes. . . to secure a place to live. To some extent, it influences nearly every decision we make every day. How can Christians keep something so pervasive from becoming an unhealthy, idolized presence in our lives?

Abraham and Cheng Yu: We Invited the Homeless to Our Wedding
The laughter and joyous chatter streaming out of Yio Chu Kang Chapel rang through the night. It came from the hundreds of guests who were all dressed impeccably in their finest and the sumptuous food that kept everyone in high spirits. It all looked like a typical scene from a wedding banquet.
Except that it was as atypical as any wedding banquet could be.