Tag Archive for: Envy

What Comparison and Envy Do To Us
No one likes to talk about envy, but we’re so prone to comparing. Sometimes we secretly feel better about ourselves when we sense that we’re doing better than most.

5 Signs God is at Work in Your Life | YMI
Whatever you may be going through, there’s no safer place to be than in the hands of God. He’s still working in your life, and He's holding the whole world—and yours—in His hands.

4 Truths to Guard Your Mind Against Destructive Thoughts
Just a scroll on social media is enough to put our confidence to shame. Even though we know that what we see on social media only displays the “truths” that others wish to portray, sometimes we can’t help but get sucked into its trap.
Let me paint a picture of some of my thoughts when I don’t guard my mind against the destructive nature of social media.

The Pitfall of Comparison
I can’t stop comparing myself to others. “Is he smarter than me? Is she prettier than me? Does she have more friends than I do?” While it can sound like an innocent habit, I ended up being sucked into it, unable to be thankful for whatever I had.

A Life Lesson in an Elevator
One morning, I was in an elevator travelling down from the 27th floor. It stopped at the 19th floor. “Selamat pagi,” a tourist said as she entered the elevator with her luggage. “Good morning.”

I Was Jealous of My Best Friend
I have something to confess: I was once jealous of my best friend. I didn’t mean to feel this way, and I’m not quite sure how it happened. We’d grown up and shared everything since we were young: our joys and tears, our secrets and dreams.

ODJ: The Unhappy Sin
Essayist Joseph Epstein writes, “Of the seven deadly sins, only envy is no fun at all”. He goes on to say that envy makes us look “ungenerous, mean and small-hearted”. There’s plenty of research to back up Epstein’s statement. In fact, psychologists have found that envy decreases life satisfaction and diminishes wellbeing. It’s correlated with depression a

5 Ways to Stop Envy
I believe that all of us, at one point or another, will compare our lives with others. I too have done this numerous times. As a member of the worship team in my church, I used to compare my singing ability with those of other singers, and based my self-worth on my ability to sing better than others.

ODB: What Do We Want?
My friend Mary tells me that she doesn’t always sing all the words to the hymns and choruses in a church service. She says, “It doesn’t seem honest to sing, ‘All I want is Jesus’ when my heart wants many other things too.” I appreciate her honesty.In verse 25 of Psalm 73, Asaph sounds like a spiritually minded man who wants God only: “There is none upon earth that I desire besides Yo