Tag Archive for: decisions

Should I Stay or Should I Go?
When you’re experiencing some kind of resistance or setback in your life, this question takes on that tension—to quit or to endure. But you may also be in a place of relative comfort, and still, you could be asking, should I stay, or should I move on to something different?

Not the Way I Saw It Going in My Head: On Second-Guessing Decisions
So often I tend to think, “If I’m trusting God, leaning not on my own understanding, praying for wisdom, and all that excellent jazz—somehow, I will be shielded from failure." And of course, there’s some truth in there.
But in that situation, I had to admit that like the Israelites rushing into battle with the Ark of the Covenant (1 Samuel 4), I was using God as a protective layer, a guarantee.

How to Stay Sane When Everyone Has an Opinion about Everything
“I don’t understand why you aren’t coming home. Where we live isn’t a hotspot anymore, and we’re taking all the right precautions, so you’ll be perfectly safe. Honestly, I’m worried about you.”
“Are you really going to drive north this weekend? You know there’s a stay-at-home order in place, right?"

When God’s Call Isn’t Clear
People often ask me how I knew God was calling me to be a missionary—to be honest, I didn’t know for sure if He was. Moving to Taiwan from my home in the US was an intimidating decision. So, in the absence of clear direction, I took small steps of faith.

Is God Ghosting Me?
Does God ever go silent? It’s a reasonable question. My first reaction to it is an emphatic, “Yes!”
God's direction was so clear when He led me to finish the degree, that I was sure once I was done, He’d show me what’s next.
But as of yet, nothing. Crickets.

When You Don’t Hear From God
There wasn’t a clear, booming, “Yes, go ahead with this plan”, or “Yes, this is the will I have for you” from God when I packed my bags and said goodbye to family and friends for a job overseas.

When Things Don’t Make Sense
“Seriously, God?” I was lying down face up on the floor at home, looking at the spinning blades of the ceiling fan. It was January 2014, and I was at a career crossroads in life.

When You’re Skeptical of God’s Plan
I consider myself a very thorough decision-maker. I try to think of all possible factors, potential outcomes, and I take a long time to do it (as if more time would result in a better decision).

Trusting God In A Time of Transition
Three years ago, I began my college career at a small Christian college called Calvin College. I had a lot of anxieties in the beginning—moving to a school far from home, not knowing anyone, making new friends, etc. But by the second semester, I was well-adjusted and praising God for a good first year of school and for the friends He had provided me with.