Tag Archive for: Debra Ayis

How to Argue with Your Significant Other
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What comes to mind when you hear the word argue?
In the past, it denoted something negative in my mind—quarrels laced with pent up frustration and misunderstanding. I hated arguing because of the resulting tension and awkwardness, so I would avoid it at all costs.

3 Tips to Revitalize Your Devotional Time
If we want to survive spiritually, we need to consume the Word of God—the Bible. But how does one read the same book repeatedly without getting bored?

3 Ways to Shield Your Mind
Every day, we are bombarded with information that’s readily available at our fingertips. From the TV, social media, and other fora, it is next to impossible to shield one’s self from the swirling voices surrounding us.

What It’s Like to Celebrate Christmas Around the World
Ever wondered how Christmas is celebrated all around the world? This Christmas, we asked four of our contributors from different countries to share about some of the special customs and traditions that are part of their Christmas celebrations.

It’s Time to Re-Examine Why You Celebrate Christmas
We had barely entered the month of December when the Christmas lights went up in my new neighborhood. But it was the cheerful Christmas carols permeating the air each morning that was the icing on the cake for me.

A Letter To My Future Self in 2027
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you from the tail end of 2017, a perfect time in which I find myself reflecting on my achievements and failures and reviewing what the year has meant to me.

When My Best Friend Told Me Off
I remember the day vividly. I was sitting in my brother’s room, cooling off after an argument with my best friend.

When Your Heart is In the Right Place – Is it Enough?
“At the end of the day, what matters is whether your heart is in the right place.” That was the gist of what I said to my friend Christy* a few days ago, when we were talking about life in general and how to honor God in our lifestyles.

When (Not) to Follow Your Feelings
As Christians striving to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, we will encounter instances that require us to battle our flesh. It could be moments where we have to deliberately choose to act against our emotions