Daniel Ryan Day

Learn more about Daniel Ryan Day and check out Daniel Ryan Day’s contributions to YMI over the years.

Tag Archive for: Daniel Ryan Day

Please Hurry Up and Interrupt Me

My speed unintentionally suggests to those around me, “Let’s get this over with because I have things to do.” And I wish I could say that walking fast is the only way I’ve communicated to others that they are not as important as my schedule...

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Really Good

If I’m honest, the truth of Christianity has never been enough to get me excited about following Jesus. I can read a book that offers proof of the existence of God and still feel lost as to how that impacts my life today.
Girl holding a beautiful flower in her hands

To My Little Girl on International Women’s Day

Today, men and women are elevating the heroic achievements of women, and others are bringing attention to the debate on gender roles and equality. Some will say we’ve made progress, and they will be right. Others will focus on how far we have yet to go, and they will be right too.

What Happens When We Forget to Pray

The day of the interview arrived, but I woke up late and forgot to pray. The thought occurred to me . . . God may not bless my interview because I forgot to spend time with Him in the morning.

What is God Calling Me To Do?

There have been so many times in my life when I didn’t know what to do. Sometimes, those moments were silly, and getting the answer wrong didn’t have significant consequences.