Tag Archive for: crystal Tang

Why Miscommunication Happens so Often
Have you had a friendship or relationship sour because of poor communication? Perhaps a boss did not tell you something in advance but eventually blamed you for not completing an assignment on time. Or, some project group mates did not tell you that they needed help—until the deadline came.

What are your Resolutions Motivated by?
Written By Crystal Tang, Singapore
Coming up with New Year…

The Loving God
Many miles from where I am and some thousands of years ago, lay a peaceful looking infant in a manger lined with hay. Barely moments after his birth,

Why Should We Give Thanks?
Recently, I was searching the Bible for verses relating to giving thanks and thanksgiving and at least 200 verses showed up. In the Old Testament,

I Met Jesus through A Flyer
It all started with a ring on my doorbell some ten years back by a tall, nice looking girl. Having been instructed never to open the door to strangers when I am alone

5 “Harmless” Phrases We Use
We probably have said something before that unwittingly hurt others, caused others to stumble, or even saddened God. While we may not have had the intention of causing