Tag Archive for: creation care

How Self-Care and Creation Care Go Hand In Hand
Have you ever considered that caring for God’s creation actually extends to yourself? God designed us to be in harmony with the rest of creation, so if one thrives, the other would too!

ASK YMI: Why Bother Saving the Earth if There’ll Be A New Heaven and Earth One Day?
First of all, we must recognize that though this creation has been irretrievably ruined by sin, it is nonetheless part of His common grace to all humanity—a good gift from God to us. So to be wilfully ignorant of this planet’s plight, or to continue to wreck it for the sake of greed then, is to foolishly vandalize the means which God has given to sustain life, which makes us a poor steward of the temporal resources that have been entrusted to us.

5 Sustainable Switches to Consider in 2020
In the past year, I’ve come to a new resolution that has been shaping the end of my 2019 and that I hope will shape my 2020: I want to reduce the amount of waste I produce.