Condition Of Heart

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Tag Archive for: condition of heart

Person putting a magnifying glass on his heart

Let’s Have A Heart Check

For a world that’s so focused on getting results, it may not really matter what we think or how we feel about something; what matters is we get things done. But for us believers, we know that God sees our hearts—what’s on the inside matters just as much, if not more.
Do We Play Favorites?

Do We Play Favorites?

Although some 2,000 years have passed since James penned these words to his fellow Jewish believers, they still ring true for us today. We are guilty of judging others by what we see on the outside and playing favorites—more often than we realize.

How Can I Serve With The Right Heart?

At one point in time, I was serving in seven ministries and had five church meetings over a single weekend. I’m not trying to tell you how holy I was. In fact, I’m telling you how foolish I was.