
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Compromise. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Compromise.

Tag Archive for: compromise

Couple's lower halves standing across from one another in church

The Kind of Compromise We Need When Dating

"Is he worth wearing a skirt for?" That's the question a good friend left with me after I shared my doubts about the guy I was dating. 

It Started with 50 Shades of Grey . . .

It was just another day in class. During one of our lessons, I heard my non-Christian friend invite some of my Christian classmates to watch the American erotic romance film, 50 Shades of Grey.

ODJ: Not Losing Our Way

A newly elected senator vows to be a new kind of politician, but by the time he runs again he’s in the pocket of special interest groups. An actress goes to Hollywood to star in wholesome movies, but soon she compromises. Both started out trying to reach the world, but instead they lost their way. This was Israel’s problem during the time of the Judges. Israel entered the Pro